Notice of Congregational Meeting: Sept. 12, 2021


August 31, 2021

Dear Church Members of St. Peter,

Please be advised that we are having a congregational meeting for voting members after church on Sunday September 12, 2021 to discuss the issues with our church roof and to vote on how we wish to proceed with repairs.

At the meeting, I will be providing information on the available options for repair and leading the discussion on how we will finance the project.

We are hoping to have as many voting members as possible to attend and will be providing a zoom format for those that are unable or uncomfortable attending due to COVID concerns.

As well, those that are unable to attend either in person or on zoom will be able to vote via “absentee ballot” after Wednesday, September 8. If this is your situation, please call me at (403) 740 6457 or Pastor Jonny (403) 742 3211 to arrange to receive a ballot.

If you have questions, I am happy to speak with you at any time.
Yours in Christ,
Nancy Aspenes, Church Council President