20th Sunday after Pentecost: Oct 10, 2021 Live-Stream Link

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart (Click audio link below to hear the song)

Alleluia. God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance,
so that by always having enough of everything,
you may share abundantly in ev’ry good
work. Alleluia.
(2 Cor. 9:8)

Click on either the picture above or the following link to access the October 10, 2021 Live-Stream Worship Service:

Day of Thanksgiving Live-Stream Worship

The Lessons:
First Reading: Joel 2:21-27

Restoration and blessing will come to the people of Judah only after judgment and repentance.
Psalm: Psalm 126
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. (Ps. 126:3)
Second Reading:  1 Timothy 2:1-7
This is the first of Paul’s epistles to the young pastor Timothy. In it, he exhorts Timothy to guard against false doctrine, protect public worship, and develop mature leadership. In these verses Paul writes to instruct Timothy concerning the care of the church at Ephesus.
Gospel: Matthew 6:25–34
Today’s Gospel lession concludes this part of the Sermon on the Mount with Jesus’ teaching about anxiety. Even to the very poor, Jesus says not to worry about food or clothes. God feeds the birds and clothes the lilies beautifully, and His children are far more valuable than birds. Anxious emotions can’t add even an hour to a person’s life. Instead, Jesus tells His followers to trust God to provide what they truly need. The context of what we ”need,” however, is the will of God—which might look very different from what we would prefer

Almighty God our Father, your generous goodness comes to us new every day. By the work of your Spirit lead us to acknowledge your goodness, give thanks for your benefits, and serve you in willing obedience, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen