4th Sunday after Pentecost – Live-Stream Link – June 25, 2023

God does not promise that the path of the disciple will be easy. Jeremiah feels the pain of rejection from those who do not want to hear what he has to say. Jesus declares that his words may bring stark division. Even so, we need not be afraid for God accounts for each hair on our heads. Though we may experience rejection, frustration, division, and death, God’s grace and love make us a new creation each day. Marked with the cross and filled with holy food, we are sent from worship to witness to Christ in the world

Click on either the picture above or the following link to access the June 25, 2023 Live-Stream Worship Service:

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Live-Stream Worship

The Lessons: (Link to the Readings)
First Reading:
Jeremiah 20:7-13
Jeremiah accuses God of forcing him into a ministry that brings him only contempt and persecution. Yet Jeremiah is confident that God will be a strong protector against his enemies and commits his life into God’s hands.
Psalm: Psalm 69:7-10 [11-15] 16-18
Answer me, O LORD, for your love is kind. (Ps. 69:16))
Second Reading: Romans 6:1b-11
In baptism we were incorporated into the reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. We have been made new in Christ through his death and resurrection to live freed from sin.
Gospel: Matthew 10:24-39
Jesus warns his disciples that their ministry in his name will meet with opposition. However, he assures them that they need not fear for the truth will come to light. Life is found in Christ.


Teach us, good Lord God, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward, except that of knowing that we do your will, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen